Bladzijde uit Liber Ymaginium Deorum Manuscripten uit de bibliotheek van Raphael de Marcatellis

Frontispiece of Letter I of Ovid's Heroides a letter from Penelope to Ulysses.

Hugo Maertens

About this artwork

At the top Ulysses takes his leave of Penelope and their son Telemachus. His fleet is wrecked in a storm. In the middle he comes twenty year later and kills the suitors of his wife Penelope while she is weaving. At hte bottom Penelope recognizes and welcomes her husband before the eyes of his father Laertes his son Telemachus and others.

About the collection

Frontispiece of Letter I of Ovid's Heroides a letter from Penelope to Ulysses.
Photo number

Other images of this artwork

Frontispiece of Letter I of Ovid's Heroides a letter from Penelope to Ulysses.
Photo number
Frontispiece of Letter I of Ovid's Heroides a letter from Penelope to Ulysses.
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