Which images can you download?
All images of heritage objects that are no longer subject to copyright and of which the creator has died 70 years ago or longer, can easily be downloaded for free. Next to these images, a download button can be found.Images of heritage objects that are still subject to copyright are not available for download, which is why there is no download button.
How to download your images?
Images can easily be downloaded by clicking the button “Download image” next to the desired picture. Once you’ve clicked this button, you’ll be asked for some additional information that is of high value for our partners.
This allows them to have insight in who downloads the images of their heritage objects and for which purposes they are used. After filling out the additional information, you can click “Download image”, and you’ll be able to see the web address of the image. If you click on it, an image of 2000 pixels long will be downloaded.
What can you do with the downloaded images?
Next to each of the downloadable images, you’ll find a Creative Commons rights statement or license. This indicates what you’re allowed to do with the downloaded images. As a service provider, meemoo aims to make images available as freely as possible. Even concerning the images that are no longer protected by copyright, we have to consider the wishes of the collection administrators, our partners. They decide under which rights statement or license we can, and are allowed to disclose the images of their heritage objects. This means that the rights statement or license may differ depending on the collection or even by heritage object.
Meemoo aims to make images of public domain works under a CC0-rights license available as much as we can. After the agreement of the collection administrators, more images under the CC0-rights statement will gradually be freed.
If an image is used in a publication, the collection or the museum would like to receive a copy.
Types of rights statements and licenses concerning the footage
CC0 1.0
The collection administrator of this heritage object has allocated the image to the public domain by relinquishing their rights to the image worldwide. This includes the corresponding and neighbouring rights to the image, to the extent that is permitted by law.
The CC0-rights statement contains no restrictions on the (re)use of images. This means that it is allowed to use the images without any terms, even for commercial purposes.
Although there are no obligations to add an attribution, we would like the name of the museum, www.artinflanders.be, and the photographer to be mentioned as the source of the image, as a token of appreciation for our work.
The collection administrator of the heritage object attaches a number of conditions to the reuse of the image. This license means that you’re free to share, copy and spread the image through any medium or file format. The licensor is not allowed to revoke consent as long as the following conditions continue to be met:
Attribution: if you use an image from artinflanders.be, we ask you to always mention the name of the museum, www.artinflanders.be, and the photographer as the source of the image.
Non-commercial: you are not allowed to use the images you downloaded for free for commercial purposes. Commercial use refers to use for commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
No derivative works: you’re not allowed to spread the material if you’ve remixed, changed or adapted the image.
- No additional restrictions: you are not allowed to apply legal conditions or technological tools that legally restrict others to do something that the license permits.
How can I use images of copyrighted works?
Images of copyrighted works are merely shown on the website and are not instantly downloadable. Do you want to use these images? Please contact us.
Other questions?
In need of high resolution TIFF-files? Do you want to use the images in a printing application or would you like to use the images with a CC BY-NC-ND license for commercial purposes? Read more about our service for professional and commercial reuse: https://artinflanders.be/en/image-licences-commercial-use or contact us.